Money Purchase Plan State And Federal Tax Forms

Please Note:  In order to view and print the following forms, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader Software and wish to download it, you may do so by clicking on the image below.

Get Acrobat Reader
Once your forms have been completed, signed and scanned, they may be sent securely via our Secure Document Uploads page which is available on the Benefit Inquiry Site. Click here for information on how to sign up for a BIS account or click here to login.

When utilizing the forms below, please type into the fields of the forms to complete them using the Adobe Acrobat Reader and then print the filled forms. When finished, please mail the completed forms to:

Michiana Area Electrical Workers' Money Purchase Plan Fund
6525 Centurion DR
Lansing, MI  48917-9275